Become a Distributor

We are currently looking for International Distributors.
Complete the form below in order to join our team and we will contact you within 24hours after confirmation.


Company Name (required)

Office Address (required)

Office Telephone Number (required)

Office Fax Number

Email Address (required)

Web Address

Company's Registration Year (establishment)

Registration Number (local)

Legal Status of the company

VAT ID Number

Company's Field of activity


Contact Person, Title (required)

Contact Person, Full Name (required)

Contact Person, Email Address (required)

Contact Person, Phone Number (required)

We/I hereby certify that the information contained herein and attached hereto is complete and accurate to the best of our/my knowledge.

Please, fill the form bellow:

Are you interested for a representative's contract (required):

Are you interested for a trading company's contract (required):

Your field of business is it relative with the mining or cement industry?:

Your education / expertise is it relative with the mining or cement industry?:

Select No of Employees of your company:

Have you ever been trading in the past hardfacing products? (required):

Select Years of experience in hardfacing products:

Are you able to travel to Greece?:

Are you willing to participate in expos that are relative with our products?:

Type any comments or your message

Upload File (optional)